Friday, January 15, 2010

Regeneration Thoughts

The Exiled Preacher (link in quote below) has posted some thoughts on "mediated" regeneration. I've not read much about the issue so I'm not at all familiar with the concept. However, having said that, the ideas the Preacher posted are just in line with my thinking on what we call salvation.

Exiled Preacher: "'Since the Spirit's work in regeneration involves the transformation of the whole man, including his cognitive and affective powers, the accompanying of the internal illumination of the Spirit by the external revelation of the word (and vice versa) is altogether appropriate. Since faith involves knowledge, it ordinarily emerges in relationship to the teaching of the gospel found in Scripture. Regeneration and the faith to which it gives birth are seen as taking place not by revalationless divine sovereignty, but within the matrix of the preaching of the word and the witness of the people of God (cf. Rom. 10:1-15). Their instrumentality in regeneration does not impinge upon the sovereign activity of the Spirit. Word and Spirit belong together.' (Contours of Christian Theology: The Holy Spirit, Sinclair B. Ferguson, IVP, 1996, p. 125-126)."

I'm now viewed in my "easy believism" church as "one of those." By that is meant a Calvinist. The phrase is used as a pejorative by many who will not sit down to discuss or attempt to find out what it is I have come to truly believe. That's OK! I don't mind. What I mind is that those who dismiss me so lightly as a kind of kook, are, generally, those who also refuse to study their Bibles. I know this because of the "deer in the headlights" look many of them exhibit when they hear Biblical principles which do not fall in line with "all you have to do is believe." Were that a lone Christian principle there will be a whole bunch of demons in heaven because scripture teaches they also believe. (James 2:19)

J.I. Packer in his small book, Evangelism and the Sovereignty of God, says " indulge in long drawn out wheedling for decisions and the deliberate us of lucious music to stir sentiment, tends to produce 'conversions' which are simply psychologicl and emotional upheaval, and not the fruit of spiritual conviction are renewal at all....that appeals for decision will often be made on the basis of inadequate instruction as to what the decision involves and will cost  (emphasis added) and such appeals are no better than a confidence trick.

I'm nowhere near where I would like to be in my studies, but I know this: Once the journey begins, of trying to learn all that is possible for a human to know about God and His Word, it becomes an all enveloping journey. There is nothing I would rather do than try to "renew my mind," and that includes baby-sitting the kids in the picture in my header. Oh! Oh! That reminds me, I have to go pick them up so Mom-to-be can get some rest.

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