Saturday, March 27, 2010

Earth Hour

As I was getting ready this morning I was listening to the Voice of the Midwest, WJR Radio. They were discussing an event planned for 8:30PM tonight called Earth Hour. What it is, I gather, is a movement to "save the earth" from "global warming" by turning off all our lights for 1 hour. Personally I believe the global warming nonsense is just a scam to make some elites very wealthy; Al Gore comes to mind.

In any event I thought these folks should give some kind of medal to North Korea for it's year-round participation in this project. Below is satellite photo of the two Koreas. Obviously the North has been participating in this project for several decades now and appears to have cornered the market on blackouts and turning off lights. But, then again, maybe its because they don't know how to produce large amounts of electricity.

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