Monday, December 28, 2009

Another Outrage

My last post was about the "alleged" terrorist on Flight 253 over Detroit. In that post I confessed my desire to end life of that creature.

Now I hear the news that on Christmas day, the day we celebrate the birth of the Savior of sinful man, another was loose in Maryland. This animal kidnapped, raped and killed an 11 year old girl. He, too, deserves a bullet in the brain without trial.

Both of these incidents were committed by known terrorists. One reported by his father, the other a product of our liberal ACLU court system. Neither should have been allowed to mingle with civilized human beings. Both should be executed immediately. In my mind there is no difference between a man who tries to blow up airplanes and a known sex-offender. Both terrorize other humans and both should not be allowed to live.

Civilized humans should never be subjected to those who refuse to conform to the laws of civil cohabitation. Because we are makes it necessary for those of us who do not wish to become victims to arm ourselves.

Tomorrow the wife and I will turn in our papers and pay the exorbitant tax to obtain our concealed pistol permits. We should have them in about 4 weeks.

Let this post serve as notice to anyone who thinks my wife and I are old, easy, targets. Attack us and we will defend ourselves. We refuse to become victims of the American Civil Liberty Unions' spawn of criminal-predators. We will defend ourselves.

Our gun safety instructor, a policeman, reminded us that when seconds count the police will respond in minutes. Let that thought comfort those of you who think I am a nut case.

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Christmas and Self-defense


We had a great Christmas. God is good. Nate, he's three going on twelve, squealed with delight and clapped his hands when he saw his guitar. Bridget, age four going on 30, will not put away her "lap top." It's a child's computer into which can be plugged chips for different activities, i.e., art, numbers, letters, etc. The other grand kids, Jennifer, Tyler and Brad were delighted with their cards-of-cash (a tradition) and their gas cards. Toys for the little ones, money and gasoline for the big ones.

The wife got a Food Saver and she is ecstatic. I suppose making "things" easier in the kitchen is something that only a woman understands.

My present comes next week when I turn in my money and application for my concealed pistol license. Other than actually receiving the license the only thing which could be better would be to be allowed to use my pistol on the man who tried to bomb the Delta flight coming into Detroit Metropolitan Airport. Now, as a Christian I know I'm supposed to turn the other cheek, love everybody, etc. However, I'm still a fallen human being and there are times when I would prefer to dispense justice, not just pray for it.

I live 15 minutes from Detroit Metro Airport. Our kids, who have the young grand kids, live 30 minutes from the airport directly under the landing glide-path for the main runway. So, please understand, when I say I would like to kill the guy who tried to destroy that Delta plane: I'm talking about self-defense. He tried to destroy a major part of my family and my life. Had he been successful who's to say the debris from the plane would not have destroyed our kids and grand kids and us, we were at their house yesterday.

We all know that when the courts have had their say, this psychotic, sociopath, will languish in prison, become even more anti-American and try his best to figure other ways to kill my loved-ones, or yours. So, do I want to kill him? Yes! It would actually be justifiable homicide, self-defense, and a deterrent to his friends we know will follow.

Why do we allow ourselves to be brain-washed into the idea that known killers have rights? They should have no more right to humane treatment than would an attacking rabid dog. When the evidence is overwhelming, as it is in this case, that  terrorists intend to kill as many people as possible given the opportunity - kill them before they can. It is self-defense.

Monday, December 14, 2009

You didn't hear this from "The Media."

We have a friend who has worked for a major pharmaceutical company for 28 years. Today he received notice that his services are no longer needed at this company. Fortunately he is able to retire; and he already has an offer from another drug company. Nothing newsworthy in all this you say: how about the fact that this company passed out 15000 (that's right thousand) of these notices?

Ask your news reporter why this kind of job loss from one company is not news worthy?


Earlier this year I had a near death experience. No, not the kind where people see visions and demons or whatever, mine was the mundane kind in which I almost died because of internal bleeding.

I fought for all I was worth to remain alive and my family protected me from some very incompetent Doctors. I had to have the will to live and I also had to have protection from strangers who were busy and didn't really care one way or the other: At least that was the impression they gave.

Now I read that Britain is trying to implement the slow journey into Doctor assisted suicide - euthanasia. As I approach my seventh decade on this planet and in light of the experience I mentioned above, I have to say there is something radically wrong in the thought processes of Western Civilization when the most vulnerable are being thought of as a nuisance or worse, a burden on the rest of us.

What happened to the idea that Christ gave to us that we are to think more highly of others than we do of ourselves? Shouldn't Doctors be about figuring out ways to make the end of life as benign as possible?

Some in Britain are doing just that. You can read about them and their battle here:

We fear that publishing any such guidelines runs the real risk of leading over the years to what would effectively be legal sanctioning of the practice of assisted suicide. Case law would inevitably be built up, and statute law permitting assisted suicide would eventually follow.

Legalisation of euthanasia would inevitably follow or accompany that. Parliament will effectively have been by-passed by administrative process, and this should never happen in any democratic society.’
The group argues that in the Netherlands, the drift toward euthanasia began with the refusal to prosecute doctors who helped kill their patients. It was followed by guidelines and finally statute law in 2002. There are now nearly 3,000 cases of euthanasia each year.
 If our elites continue to look to European philosophy for their guidance it will only be a short time until this battle will be fought in the U.S. I'm not interested in becoming one of their statistics.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Reformation Theology

Why is the following so hard for so many to understand? Salvation is "easy" but it isn't up to us. If God doesn't save us - we are not saved. One can walk all the aisles, pray all the sinner's prayers, get baptized thousands of times, but if God has not united us to Christ we are not saved.

Reformation Theology: "If someone borrowed $100 million to fund a company and then immediately went and spent it all in a week of wild living in Las Vegas, his inability to repay the debt does not alleviate him of the responsibility to do so. So there is no contradiction between his responsibility and his inability. He created his own inability so he is responsible. Likewise Adam, our federal head, who represents the entire human race, fell and plunged all of us into a condition of debt which we cannot repay. Take note: this does not alleviate us of the responsibility to do so. We owe a debt we cannot repay. We are spiritually bankrupt and our heart needs to be renewed in the Holy Spirit who unites us the Christ. Only then do we have the mind and heart of Christ. ( See 1 Cor 2 ) Without the Spirit we are dead (even hostile) to spiritual things. But when the Spirit comes with the grace of regeneration, renewing our heart after the image of God, we both can and will come to Christ."

Oh Come Emmanuel

I'm not especially fond of guitars in Church. However, having said that, I could listen to this kind of music all day - in Church or out.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

The Dividing Line

Pastor Wilson is one of my favorites. He is linked in my "links" at Blog and Mablog. This excerot from one of his recent sermons explains the dividing line between a true Christian and those who pretend. It is worth the 5 minutes it takes to watch.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

It's Time

The wife and I have decided it's time to get our permits to carry concealed weapons. Here are pictures of the weapons we will be armed with in case anyone has any ideas about mugging a couple of "old people."


                                       And     Hers

Hers is a Taurus ultra-lite 38spl 6 shot. It is palm size and fits nicely in "Gammies'" purse. Naturally the grand-chilren (sic) no longer get to snoop in her purse. His is a Charter Arms 38spl, 6 shot easily concealed in an ankle holster or on the belt.

Two recent incidents have prompted our move to arm ourselves away from our home. (If you try to break in to our house, chances are you will not live to tell about it). #1 is the incident recently at the White House in which the Secret Service could not keep the President secure from unwanted guests. If the cops have no more interest in protecting the President than what they've shown, I'm certain they are not going to expend energy protecting a couple of old people. #2 is the Lakewood, Washington killings. If four armed cops can't protect themselves I'm certainly not going to rely on them to protect me.

So anyone with wild ideas about two old people at the mall or the coffee shop being easy targets I suggest you look at the pictures above - one more time. Either gun will make you wish you were dead if the bullet doesn't kill you.

Just remember! We don't call 9-1-1, we are 9-1-1.