I fought for all I was worth to remain alive and my family protected me from some very incompetent Doctors. I had to have the will to live and I also had to have protection from strangers who were busy and didn't really care one way or the other: At least that was the impression they gave.
Now I read that Britain is trying to implement the slow journey into Doctor assisted suicide - euthanasia. As I approach my seventh decade on this planet and in light of the experience I mentioned above, I have to say there is something radically wrong in the thought processes of Western Civilization when the most vulnerable are being thought of as a nuisance or worse, a burden on the rest of us.
What happened to the idea that Christ gave to us that we are to think more highly of others than we do of ourselves? Shouldn't Doctors be about figuring out ways to make the end of life as benign as possible?
Some in Britain are doing just that. You can read about them and their battle here:
We fear that publishing any such guidelines runs the real risk of leading over the years to what would effectively be legal sanctioning of the practice of assisted suicide. Case law would inevitably be built up, and statute law permitting assisted suicide would eventually follow.
Legalisation of euthanasia would inevitably follow or accompany that. Parliament will effectively have been by-passed by administrative process, and this should never happen in any democratic society.’
The group argues that in the Netherlands, the drift toward euthanasia began with the refusal to prosecute doctors who helped kill their patients. It was followed by guidelines and finally statute law in 2002. There are now nearly 3,000 cases of euthanasia each year.If our elites continue to look to European philosophy for their guidance it will only be a short time until this battle will be fought in the U.S. I'm not interested in becoming one of their statistics.
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