Saturday, December 26, 2009

Christmas and Self-defense


We had a great Christmas. God is good. Nate, he's three going on twelve, squealed with delight and clapped his hands when he saw his guitar. Bridget, age four going on 30, will not put away her "lap top." It's a child's computer into which can be plugged chips for different activities, i.e., art, numbers, letters, etc. The other grand kids, Jennifer, Tyler and Brad were delighted with their cards-of-cash (a tradition) and their gas cards. Toys for the little ones, money and gasoline for the big ones.

The wife got a Food Saver and she is ecstatic. I suppose making "things" easier in the kitchen is something that only a woman understands.

My present comes next week when I turn in my money and application for my concealed pistol license. Other than actually receiving the license the only thing which could be better would be to be allowed to use my pistol on the man who tried to bomb the Delta flight coming into Detroit Metropolitan Airport. Now, as a Christian I know I'm supposed to turn the other cheek, love everybody, etc. However, I'm still a fallen human being and there are times when I would prefer to dispense justice, not just pray for it.

I live 15 minutes from Detroit Metro Airport. Our kids, who have the young grand kids, live 30 minutes from the airport directly under the landing glide-path for the main runway. So, please understand, when I say I would like to kill the guy who tried to destroy that Delta plane: I'm talking about self-defense. He tried to destroy a major part of my family and my life. Had he been successful who's to say the debris from the plane would not have destroyed our kids and grand kids and us, we were at their house yesterday.

We all know that when the courts have had their say, this psychotic, sociopath, will languish in prison, become even more anti-American and try his best to figure other ways to kill my loved-ones, or yours. So, do I want to kill him? Yes! It would actually be justifiable homicide, self-defense, and a deterrent to his friends we know will follow.

Why do we allow ourselves to be brain-washed into the idea that known killers have rights? They should have no more right to humane treatment than would an attacking rabid dog. When the evidence is overwhelming, as it is in this case, that  terrorists intend to kill as many people as possible given the opportunity - kill them before they can. It is self-defense.

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