Friday, June 25, 2010

Crucial Distinctions

This is from "Already Not Yet," the blog of Pastor P.J. Cockrell:

In the twentieth century, liberal Protestants put the Bible on trial and found it guilty of error, abandoned their dependence upon God’s Word, and replaced it with the lifeless lyrics of their own wisdom. What social Gospel theorist Walter Rauschenbusch preached, Charles Sheldon popularized; “What did Jesus do?” became “What would Jesus do?” Morality and social justice supplanted redemption, and the living Christ died again, this time buried beneath unbelieving, yet captivating rhetoric. He was not to rise again in the liberal Protestant Church.

The ability to make crucial distinctions is a gift from God. PJ points this out in his quote above by distinguishing between "what Jesus did" - the Truth - and our distorted desire to be God by deciding for ourselves "what would Jesus do."

Our joy as Christians is to rely only on the revealed Word He left us for guidance and not try to be God-like by speculating about what He would do. That is the hook that Satan used to trap Eve in the Garden: "You shall become as Gods." Because of this distortion many Christians have gotten caught in the postmodern belief system which has twisted the word "tolerance" to mean love or concern for every belief system and every human without the condemnation it and they deserve, Islam is the prime example of a systemic evil.

For example we often hear "love the sinner, but hate the sin." That is not Biblical it is the pacifist Ghandi from his autobiography. Jesus hated sin and he obviously hates those who refuse to repent from it. He sends them to Hell doesn't He? As a matter of fact scripture is pretty clear about this fact  as some were created for just that purpose. ( Rom. 9:17 )

So those who condemn others for their "intolerance" of the evil that is Islam make me wonder how it is they can say they are Christian while they themselves are "intolerant" of those who hold to the actual teachings of Gods Word.

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